Making of ‘Tsunami’ (by unknown tourist, 2004), 2015
The story behind the photograph…
One of the largest earthquakes ever recorded struck the Indian Ocean on 26 December 2004. Its epicentre was off the coast of Indonesia, but it triggered further earthquakes and a series of tsunamis that devastated entire communities hundreds of miles away. As the ocean floor was violently uplifted, billions of tons of sea water were displaced, creating waves that travelled at speeds of up to 500 miles per hour (800 km/h) and hit shorelines at heights of up to 50 feet (15 m). One bystander made a video of a tidal wave breaching a hotel wall in the Malaysian state of Penang: this amateur footage was picked up by the Reuters news agency. In all, some thirteen countries were affected, the worst being Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. Over a quarter of a million people lost their lives, and some two million were made homeless. The disaster prompted a worldwide humanitarian response that included the provision of short-term solutions such as water purification tablets, medical supplies and temporary housing, as well as billions of dollars in aid. An early warning system has now been set up between the countries that surround the Indian Ocean.
All photos in the ICONS series are available as high-quality digital C-prints in limited editions.
Edition of 6
70 x 105 cm / 27.6 x 41.3 inches
Edition of 3
120 x 180 cm / 47.2 x 70.9 inches
For further inquiries, please contact us.
A look behind the scenes…